Statistical descriptors
From Online Dictionary of Crystallography
Revision as of 14:33, 14 February 2006 by HowardFlack (talk | contribs)
Revision as of 14:33, 14 February 2006 by HowardFlack (talk | contribs)
Statistics and statistical techniques are used extensively in crystallography. It would not be A separate online document Statistical Descriptors in Crystallography provides an authoratitive statement of the use of statistics in crystallography. The document contains a <a href="index.html#gloss">Glossary</a> of statistical terms and sections on the following topics:
- <a href="philos.html">Basic notions</a>
- <a href="uncert.html">Uncertainty of measurement</a>
- <a href="refine.html">Refinement</a>
- <a href="if2f.html">Refinement on I, |F|2 or |F|?</a>
- <a href="defects.html">Defects in the model</a>
- <a href="weight.html">Weighting schemes</a>
- <a href="recomm.html">Recommendations</a>