Integral reflection conditions
From Online Dictionary of Crystallography
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Revision as of 14:12, 6 February 2012 by BrianMcMahon (talk | contribs) (Corrected some broken HTML in the table markup)
Conditions de réflexion intégrales (Fr).
The integral reflections are the general reflection conditions due to the centring of cells. They are given in the table below:
Reflection condition |
Centring type of cell | Centring symbol |
None | Primitive | P R (rhombohedral axes) |
h + k = 2n | C-face centred | C |
k + l = 2n | A-face centred | A |
l + h = 2n | B-face centred | B |
h + k + l = 2n | body centred | I |
h + k, h + l and k + l = 2n or: | all-face centred | F |
− h + k + l = 3n | rhombohedrally centred, reverse | R (hexagonal axes) |
h − k + l = 3n | rhombohedrally centred, obverse |
h − k = 3n | hexagonally centred | H |
See also
Section of International Tables of Crystallography, Volume A