


From Online Dictionary of Crystallography

What about two-dimensional crystals? --MassimoNespolo 13:59, 3 April 2009 (BST)

--GervaisChapuis 15:06, 5 April 2009 (BST)

First, the article points to a 2D crystal and not a crystal. Second, the name was coined by the authors of the article and they are the sole responsible for their definition. Apparently this 2D crystal can only be dealt with on a Si substrate and can only observed with with HREM or AFM. We are dealing here with a very special case of some atomic arrangements which can be formed in HREM. Should any mono or di-atomic surface which can be observed in EM be called 2D crystal?

I would be reluctant to modify the definition of crystals just to include atomic layers

Personally, I do agree but the debate (for example, on wikipedia) has been launched and I think that soon or later the Nomenclature Commission should take a position. --MassimoNespolo 16:09, 5 April 2009 (BST)