
Voronoi domain

From Online Dictionary of Crystallography

Domaine de Voronoi (Fr). Dominio de Voronoi (Sp). Dominio di Voronoi (It)


The Voronoi domain (or 'cell', or 'region') is the name given in mathematics to the Wigner-Seitz cell. Voronoi domains are in the form of polyhedra and are classified according to their topological properties; one distinguishes five types of Voronoi polyhedra (see Section 9.1.6 of International Tables of Crystallography, Volume A.

See also

Wigner-Seitz cell
Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of International Tables of Crystallography, Volume A
Section 1.5 of International Tables of Crystallography, Volume B
Section 1.2 of International Tables of Crystallography, Volume D