Twinning by reticular merohedry
From Online Dictionary of Crystallography
Maclage par mériédrie réticulaire (Fr). Verzwillingung durch reticulare Meroedrie (Ge). Geminazione per meroedria reticolare (It). Macla por meroedría reticular (Sp).
Twinning by reticular merohedry
In the presence of a sublattice whose oriented point group D(LT) differs from that of the crystal (individual) lattice D(Lind), a symmetry element belonging to D(LT) but not to D(Lind) can act as twin element.
If lattice and sublattice have the same point group but (some of) their symmetry elements are differently oriented, twinning by reticular polyholohedry can occur.
See also
- Twin lattice
- Chapter 3.3 of International Tables for Crystallography, Volume D